Trojan Horse Mind Magic
Total Mind control magic – I start out using my girlish Princess charm against you… appealing to your sexual and submissive interests.
Teasing with my big boobs and all my other sexy feminine assets
But as the clip goes along, slowly more and more mind fuck, brainwashing & hypnosis is implemented in the clip which start to control your mind! The Trojan horse is how this clip starts out sexy and seductive but before you know it, my wicked mind controlling attack has happened and your mind has become weakened and taken over by my hotness… I use my Goddess voice and body to disarm you and then BAM – totally dominate, control and bewitch your mind with My Magic!
watch now to have your mind controlled and fall victim to a spell which will own your mind forever… Watch how easy it is to use you by lowering your defenses with my trojan horse sexy plan and then use sorcery to mind fuck you for ever!
20 minutes long / $45 / video version
20 minutes long / $25 / mp3 version
Be sure to watch “The first spell” video first
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